News, recipes and info

Québécøl is proud to work with local producers ! This is where you will get to know them and love them as much as we do!

This is also where we share with you our ideas for cocktail recipes and where you will have all the latest news about our travels across our beautiful Province !

Looking forward to meeting you in person for a drink!

Read the news
THE apron

We are certain that the Alchemist has not taken it off since the purchase...

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Think more pickles... MORE!

A big pickle in your mouth!

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Where to find us this weekend

St-Georges the capital of Beauce?

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Québécøl is back on the road!

We’re off to a strong start in 2024!

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This week - destination BEAUCE

Let's see if the Beaucerons know how to drink

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Where to find your Québécøl this weekend

Well there... we're going to be everywhere! Pick up your bottle of gin-reduction before you go call your moose (in the hunting direction)

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Québécøl at the Godefroy Market on August 5-6, 2023

The question is which city in Quebec will have been the thirstiest at the end of the summer...

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Quebec at the Ste-Foy market

Well, there, did you see me at that market there! I don't understand why the Nordiques don't come back even just to go shopping there!

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One last chance to see Miss Maple (selling Quebec)

When we are sad... we drink Québécøl... (we find it healthy because it is 100% maple based)

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Quebec goes to VICTO!

This week the distillery visits exhibitions and no... unfortunately it is not the return of the Expos

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100% maple guaranteed!

Our products are all 100% made from our maple alcohol, which is made from our own maple syrup.
From the tree to the bottle!

Gluten? Ark!

We do not use any grains and only maple syrup for our fermentations, so everything is gluten free!

Local economy above all!

The Distillery offers you different products made with ingredients from the Estrie region, Beauce and Quebec above all!


Our products change, like the seasons in Quebec.
Some are available seasonally and others are always available.
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