Recettes COYOT Recettes de gin-réduit
The BØS - Donut ø Syrup

For those who like to drink like...donut holes

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Recettes COYOT
Saint Patrick PQ

In Saint-Patrick PQ we don't celebrate Saint-Patrick on March 17, we celebrate it ALL YEAR LONG!

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Recettes COYOT

Happy birthday Jess!

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Recettes COYOT

Sit down, guys, let me tell you about "the father"

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Recettes café-piment Recettes COYOT
Night shift

After a few it will be more difficult to "barge"

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Recettes COYOT
Old CØYØT in fashion

At the end of the week, we "ride" the CØYØT

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Recettes COYOT

Recipe developed on an island... like Cuba... but it's the Ile d'Orléans

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Recettes Recettes Fraise-Melon

Inspired by none other than Valencia water... a Spanish classic

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Recettes Recettes gin-pickle
Mr Pickle!

Québécøl wants to put its pickle in your mouth!

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Recettes Recettes Fraise-Melon
The summer drink

Since we released this, the weather has been nice... I don't want to make a lame connection, but hey.

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Recettes Recettes café-piment
Coffee Stivals

Two for one is good, for alcohol it's better!

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100% maple guaranteed!

Our products are all 100% made from our maple alcohol, which is made from our own maple syrup.
From the tree to the bottle!

Gluten? Ark!

We do not use any grains and only maple syrup for our fermentations, so everything is gluten free!

Local economy above all!

The Distillery offers you different products made with ingredients from the Estrie region, Beauce and Quebec above all!


Our products change, like the seasons in Quebec.
Some are available seasonally and others are always available.
Stay informed by subscribing to our Newsletter! (below; coming soon)